Google Drive and Its Utility

     One application I catch myself using frequently is Google Drive, it is for downloading syllabi or making sure I can access my files between devices I tend to be using Google Drive. For this smackdown I chose said application that anyone can download onto their phone or tablet or access it through their google account on a browser. 

    Google Drive is a cloud storage application as its foundation but also incorporates programs that are comparable to Microsoft's Word, PowerPoint, and Excel document types. These document types being Google's Docs, Slides, and Sheets respectively. Unlike Microsoft applications on mobile devices where each document type is it's own application, Google Drive can utilize all the documents on one application. Google Drive allows someone to create, edit, and organize the documents they want without leaving the app. Google Drive is account bound so it can be access by any device with the correct credentials, even at the same time.

    The data transferability comes in handy for any student or professional, I primarily use it due to the fact that I am constantly on the move and I can work little by little on multiple devices without having to email myself the different file versions back and forth. Such as starting an assignment before work on my desktop, answering some questions on my phone during my lunch break, and finishing it on my laptop that same day while at my significant other's house. I will be using this application in my future career in the field of biology. Any assignment related articles or manuals regarding fieldwork can be accessed away from the facilities I may work at that moment of time. I can also share access to files with individuals as viewing or editing purposes. So say someone in the field with me collecting mosquitos for batch testing forgot their manual. I can share my document in my drive and they can access it on their phone. Or say I have a meeting presentation and the USB drive file is corrupted. I can then access the backup file on the Google Drive Cloud. You may watch my presentation on this subject with a demonstration of the app here at.


  1. Google drive is very useful. I used it more in highschool than I do now, but if I didn’t have it then, I don’t know how I would’ve been organized.

  2. Google Drive is what I use for literally everything! My whole internship is kind of based off of it. It is where we plan everything for the week and put all of our work. We also have different documents for contact lists and guest information. This is something I will for sure throughout my career and yours as well!

  3. Google drive is a well used website/app. I’ve been using this for so many years and it never disappoints me. This app is great for storage purposes and can help any student or workers to organize their work. Your demonstration on the app smackdown is very well put!

  4. Honestly it is shocking how this tools is taken for granted and over looked! I use this all the time to not only transfer files from one computer to another when email wont. I have also used this for class presentations so I can edit, present and share all from one place.

  5. I love google docs! I hated when my teachers wouldn’t accept google docs, they always wanted a word document. I think it is much better for organizing my documents and for sharing my documents with others! Great job with you smackdown!

  6. Good choice for a smackdown. Google Docs and other apps are definitely under utilized. Google was very smart in creating Docs and apps that work seamlessly and make sharing easy. Unlike Word, Docs allows for same time collaboration on documents which is very helpful when working on group projects. I can see why it is now heavily used in grade school through college.

  7. I love google drive app I use this app for many purposes. Data transfer is the best feature because mostly people change their mobile phones and they face difficulties to transfer data in different devices. Many companies work on cloud computing and google drive give them best cloud storage to their users.

  8. google drive in my opinion is one one of the best app in my opinion. It is so easy and it saves everything for you constantly.

  9. Google Drive is one of the most revolutionary apps I've gotten to use throughout my school career. The ability to not just share files, but also work on them together completely changed the way I worked with my classmates.

  10. Google drive is a life saver for me. I use google docs just about everyday and every assignment I use google docs because of how well organized and easy it is to use.

  11. Great video presentation and app smackdown topic! Google drive is so helpful, easy, and amazing when it comes to storage. It's so easy to transfer files on there. Honestly everything is easy on google drive and your breakdown did a great job highlighting that. Excellent work!

  12. Nice presentation! I love google products and even prefer them over the Microsoft counterparts. The ability to share folders and documents for collaboration is extremely useful and is something I very often use.

  13. Google Drive is a fantastic application to use in not only school but in a business or anything where you have to share a project with others. It is super easy and convenient. It is free and all you need is a google account! This was a great option!

  14. Hi Logan,

    I LOVE GOOGLEDRIVE. It has so many features and makes projects a lot easier to coordinate. I actually prefer google drive over Microsoft word. It's user friendly and offers opportunity for multiple users to update documents.

  15. Google Drive is one of the most innovative applications I've encountered throughout my academic career. The ability to not only exchange files but also collaborate on them completely transformed how I collaborated with my peers.

  16. Personally, I have been using Google Drive ever since high school. It certainly removes the worries of losing progress on a project or essay. Additionally, I also really like how organized all of my files can be. It has proved to be a genuine life-saver in my high school career forward.

  17. Hey Logan! I use Google Drive and it's accessories and I find it such a great tool. Not worrying about losing files and being able to access them anywhere is my favorite part. Thanks for sharing!


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